Sunday, February 26, 2012

Buzzing Ear and Ringing Ear Causes

What Causes Buzzing Ear or Ringing Ear?
Tinnitus or buzzing ear or ringing ear is when you hear a sound when no external sound is present; many people hear a ringing type of noise where others hear buzzing, clicking and whistling type noises. No matter what type of noise you hear you will want to find the cause of tinnitus fast because only then will you be able to find a solution and stop ringing ear. This article details the ear ringing causes and will help you find out what has caused your

buzzing ear

Buzzing Ear and Ringing Ear Causes

Tinnitus or buzzing ear or ringing ear is when you hear a sound when no external sound is present; many people hear a ringing type of noise where others hear buzzing, clicking and whistling type noises. No matter what type of noise you hear you will want to find the cause of tinnitus fast because only then will you be able to find a solution and stop ringing ear. This article details the ear ringing causes and will help you find out what has caused your tinnitus. Hopefully you will be able to

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

5 Tinnitus Cures

There are many things that are supposed to help with tinnitus. But how many of these tinnitus cures actually work and what makes one cure work for one person, but not for another?
If you suffer from a ringing, buzzing, rushing or pulsating sound in your ear then you have a condition known as tinnitus. Although annoying at best, debilitating at worst, tinnitus is actually a symptom of an underlying illness so to find tinnitus cures that will work for you, you need to ascertain exactly what it

tinnitus cure

5 Tinnitus Cures

There are many things that are supposed to help with tinnitus. But how many of these tinnitus cures actually work and what makes one cure work for one person, but not for another?
If you suffer from a ringing, buzzing, rushing or pulsating sound in your ear then you have a condition known as tinnitus. Although annoying at best, debilitating at worst, tinnitus is actually a symptom of an underlying illness so to find tinnitus cures that will work for you, you need to ascertain exactly what it

tinnitus cure

Monday, February 13, 2012



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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Pulsating Tinnitus, How to Cope Up With It?

If you hear a whooshing or thumping sound in your ear that pulses like your heartbeat, then you have a condition called pulsating tinnitus – also known as pulsatile or vascular tinnitus. As you will have guessed, it really is the sound of the blood circulating through your body.
As few as 3% of tinnitus sufferers will experience this type of tinnitus which is caused by a variety of conditions, most are harmless, but because they deal with conditions relating to blood flow and circulation

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tinnitus Causes and Treatment Options

Whether it is a persistent hum, an annoying click or a pulsating rush of blood, tinnitus is no joke for anyone suffering from it. Ask sufferers like Bono, David Letterman and William Shatner how disruptive it can be. Unfortunately before we can look at treatment options we have to look at tinnitus causes.
There are two types of tinnitus; objective, this is where there is a definite noise that other people including your spouse, doctor, specialist or their equipment can actually hear.

tinnitus causes